{2021} How to unblock Website URL on Facebook? - Updated Nov

how to get unblock your website on Facebook?
How to unblock Website URLs on Facebook?

This question "How to unblock Website URL on Facebook?" will definitely be giving you a headache. Once I felt the same headache when one of my domains had blocked by Facebook. I was feeling helpless. I searched a lot on the internet and Facebook forum. but I didn't get the solution. then I decided to find the reason behind this block of my website URL. I read Facebook policies  then I got to know the way to find the solution. I tried it and get the solution and soon my domain got unblocked. 

Today in this article you will find the 100% working trick that helps you to get your domain website URL to unblock from Facebook. Now I am going to share the same trick with you that I have applied to my current domain "GovernmentJobsNews.com". This domain was blocked in December 2018. At that time Facebook was updating its community policy and guidelines for sharing content on Facebook.

Facebook is a top-notch social platform that has a higher no of users with higher responsibilities. It is becoming an ecosystem so that Facebook improve its policies for its user security. Now a day's most people invest 30%-50% of their time on social media. Due to lots of users, Facebook gets aware of the misuse of its services that are free for everyone on this globe.

Let's understand, what is the reason behind it. Your website URL is being blocked on Facebook.

These questions come with the answer. A website like Facebook comes with lots of functionality that takes action automatically. This is called Artificial Intelligence. We all know that Facebook and many other websites have changed their policies. After these Policies changes, the unsafe website has started to be blocked. Facebook has taken this step to strengthen its user security.

In this process, some safe website URL has also been blocked. The reason behind this would be the wrong reporting. I mean, This would have happened because a stranger reported your website on Facebook as spam. This is my guess. But There have no one who blocks your website URL manually or prohibited you from sharing your website URL.

It's a machine program that gets instruction provided by you and design by the Facebook developers team. If you try to act smart and share your website URL in a comment or others timeline or other pages or own pages continuously it's being recognized as spam or misleading content.

Find the place where you get all solutions related to Facebook. it is Facebook Help Center

Steps to unblock website URL on Facebook.

  1. Go to the Facebook Help Center to find.
  2. Visit the Facebook Sharing Debugger page.
  3. Enter your website URL in sharing debugger fill boxes and press the debug button.
  4. Now you get the message "We can't review this website because the content doesn't meet our Community Standards. If you think this is a mistake, please let us know."
  5. facebook sharing debugger - unblock website url on facebook
    Visit the Facebook Sharing Debugger page.
  6. Now Click on "let us know" on this page. 
  7. Now you are at Facebook Block Page. Here you can request Facebook to unblock your website.
  8. Facebook Blocks Page - unblock website url on facebook
    Facebook Application Form Page to Request for Unblocking the Website.
  9. Now write an application to unblock your website URL. 
  10. Submit it by pressing the Send button.
  11. Now, wait until 24 hours as this request telly by the Facebook team. and hope for a positive result.

Application Format to unblock website URL on Facebook.

you can find below an application format for unblocking your website on Facebook.

Good Morning Facebook! With due respect, I would like to inform you my website URL has been blocked on Facebook. Recently I got to know my website URL your-website-URL-Here has blocked on Facebook and prohibited me to share my website links over my pages and my timeline. I didn't go against your policies. I apologize If I have broken any Facebook policy by any mistake. It is requested please unblock my website URL and enable its links. I thank Facebook Team for making it a safe place for all.! Please Unblock my website. URL: your-website-URL-Here Thanks in Advanced. Manish Kumar

FAQ: Questions are being asked to Unblock website URL on Facebook.

  • My Website URL blocked By Facebook | How To Unblock?
  • how do get unblock your website on Facebook?
  • How to unblock a website on Facebook?
  • How unblock my website on Facebook?
  • Facebook blocked my website?
  • How to post a blocked URL or unblock your website on Facebook?

If you have already tried the above-given Trick. Then tried this trick that has been shared below in this post. Unblock Website URL on Facebook - 2nd Trick 👈

Video Tutorial to learn "How to get unblock Domain on Facebook".

Here in this video, I record all the necessary steps that you can follow to get success for unblocking your domain URL over Facebook. as well important advice to all bloggers that don't do spamming in greed of some view it will destroy your weeks and months hard work. Watch the video for a better understanding.

My Words: I hope this article fulfills your query and provides you what you are looking for. Your valuable feedback will be highly appreciated. Please let me know your views on this article in this comment box below. Also, I thank you to visit my blog read this article till this last word. If you want to support me you can share this article with your friends. You can follow me on instagram. @doodlemanish


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